PENG Block

This week for Education of the Week we will be discussing the PENG (Pericapsular nerve group) Block. This block was first described in the anesthesia literature in 2018 only 3 years ago, for the use of treating both pre- and postoperative pain in patients with hip fractures. 


The PENG block targets the pain sensing nerves of the anterior capsule of the hip. This block provides pain reduction while preserving motor function, making it the ideal block for patients with intertrochanteric femoral fractures, femoral neck fractures, pubic ramus fractures, acetabular fractures, and hip dislocations. 


It’s a great block to attempt for hip dislocations prior to jumping to procedural sedation as well as providing adequate pain control for our patients. 


Interscalene Nerve Block


Pediatric Neck Swelling