Venom can cause local tissue injury, systemic vascular damage, hemolysis, fibrinolysis, and neuromuscular dysfunction
25% are dry bites
Swelling may progress over minutes to hours
Compartment syndrome is rare
Labs: platelet count, hemoglobin, fibrinogen, fibrin degradation products, D-dimer, pt, ptt
Management: admit to burn, wound care, elevation and immobilization of extremity, tetanus
Antivenom: Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab (Crofab) vs. Crotalidae equine immune F(ab’)2
Indicated if systemic symptoms, hematological abnormalities, rapidly progressing symptoms and edema
Anaphylaxis common with Crofab
Anavip is a F(ab’)2 fragment with two venom binding sites, compared to a CroFab which is a single Fab fragment with one venom binding site
The F(ab’)2 confers a longer elimination half-life, and therefore is proposed to require less re-dosing than the single Fab antivenom